Thursday 6 December 2012

Best Presentation I Have Seen and Why?

The presentation I will be basing this piece on was given by Steve Jobs on the launch of the first ever I Phone.
This presentation consisted of what I would deem to be the key characteristics to giving an effective presentation. Each slide was clear, concise and comprehendible to the audience. It was carried out with confidence and spoken at a pace that was understandable to the listener.The font size, layout and colour scheme was easy on the eye and the pictures included were in relation to the topics being covered.
Steve Jobs kept the attention of his audience throughout the presentation and only took an occasional glance at the screen when changing slides or when showing the audience onscreen how a particular part of the device worked. This presentation was given with slight humour which got the attention of the audience.
Steve Jobs explained in detail about the product and how it combines each of apples products since 1984 into one device. He showed step by step how to use the different parts of the I Phone and was completely interested in what he was talking about and his demonstrations were engaging.
Being prepared is fundamental in giving an effective presentation. According to Provan (2009, p.3), “great presenters not only inform us but most of all, they inspire us”.

Having a simple but inviting power-point and not putting your whole presentation into your slides like an essay will make it more appealing to your audience. Showing your personality and humouring the audience will most definitely help in giving a successful presentation. It is equally important not to over rehearse as it may come across as such when you are presenting (Quick Sprout, n.d).
Overall I think that Steve Jobs carried out a very effective presentation and could not have informed the audience about the product any more than he did. It was clear and understandable and even though it was a very long presentation, it was interesting and this is only because of how he presented it.  

Reference List

Provan. D, (2009), Giving Great Presentations in Easy Steps, [online], Available at: [Accessed 4th December 2012]

Quick Sprout, (n.d), 10 Tips for a Killer Presentation, [online], Available at: [Accessed 4th December 2012]     

Laughlin. A, Hay,. K, (2012), Apple I Phone Reaches it's Fifth Birthday-pictures, [online], Available at: [Accessed 7th December 2012].

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